Secondhand Dreams

Is thrifting cool? In the age of TikTok, thrift hauls, thrift bundles, and thrift finds are everything trending. It suddenly seems cool to get second hand items and pay much less. I am a lifelong thrifter and grew up not wanting anyone to know where I got my clothes. Granted I always found cool unique things, but I just always felt somewhat embarrassed to have only thrifted or cheap clothing to wear. Growing up thrifting there is a lot you learn early on. What are the additional discounts on top of the low prices, i.e. color of the week. How to try on clothes without trying them on? How to spot quality brands? How to craft your own style within a smorgasbord of options?

Once I started working at 16, I spent most of my income on clothing — always buying whatever I wanted and whatever was hot. It is embarrassing how much the trend continued into my thirties. America is such a consumer culture and the media helps perpetrate the narrative that material possessions are a reflection of happiness. I made a vow to be more conscious of my consumption and am not buying any new clothing items from retailers for one year. All of my clothing must be second hand, donated, or personally made.

2020 changed my plans and being unable to return to work awoke my creativity in terms of making and spending money. A worldwide pandemic forced me to examine my toxic relationship and unconcsious participation in capitalism. So for one year, old clothes only, got it. This is new for me, future boss who? Who knows what I’ll find out there and how this journey will go. Let’s see. Pray for me.

#anticonsumerism #environmentallyfriendly #decreasefootprint #goodwillhunting #necessaryornaments #domorewithless


One year in, how’d it go?